In August 2020, C21U announced the release of the newest version of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) tool in Canvas. The KPI tool was originally designed to help instructors monitor students’ learning and gain insight into how to enhance learning in future hybrid or remote courses. Student users were asked to complete a brief anonymous online survey on a weekly basis in which they self-rate their learning experiences in different areas. The initial group of testers echoed that this tool will continue to remain useful in a fully residential mode.

The tool now enables instructors to grab course-specific snapshots of how their students are performing in real time. More details of the new features include:
Teachers will see updated weekly averages for student responses in their teacher dashboard as they’re submitted. This will allow teachers to adjust their teaching strategies continuously as the data in the KPI dashboard is refreshed.
The original tool opened a new window and displayed the dashboard in Tableau, but now the revamped dashboard opens inside Canvas. This results in a more seamless experience for teachers.
The dashboard only displays the current Canvas course, rather than all courses in which the teacher is enrolled.
The dashboard uses color-coding and bar widths to display weekly averages at-a-glance – allowing teachers to quickly identify potential trouble spots.
If you would like the KPI tool to be installed in your Canvas courses, just click the GT Apps Labs in your course navigation. Have questions about this new tool or the installation process? Please submit a request for support through the Georgia Tech Service-Now website.