Webinar: A Discussion on the Future of Higher Ed

C21U Executive Director Steve Harmon recently participated in the University of Tennessee's College of Collaborative and Emerging Studies webinar panel discussion. Participants shared insights on the state of higher education, its future direction, and the need for institutions to adapt to modern student needs.

Cracking the Code on Financial Aid Opportunities at Georgia Tech

Tech will use machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict applicants' eligibility for different financial aid categories. Led by C21U, this collaborative effort aims to increase educational opportunities and improve the accessibility of financial aid.

Dean Search Begins for College of Lifetime Learning

Georgia Tech has begun the search for the dean of the new College of Lifetime Learning. The search committee, chaired by Anuj Mehrotra, Dean and Stephen P. Zelnak Jr. Chair in the Scheller College of Business, includes a mix of faculty, staff, and students from across the College of Lifetime Learning, Georgia Tech, as well as University System of Georgia representatives.

Surfacing barriers to adoption: lessons learned from end-to-end deployments of Learning and Employment Records (LERs) as Verifiable Credentials

As members of the Digital Credentials Consortium, we are eager to share the Consortium’s recent advancements in developing and deploying Learning and Employment Records (LERs) as Verifiable Credentials (VCs). The latest project has highlighted the transformative potential of VCs in securely sharing skills and achievements. Despite challenges such as the need for technical resources and clearer communication of VCs’ benefits, the pilot projects have successfully demonstrated the full lifecycle of VCs. These efforts are crucial in making LERs more accessible and meaningful for learners, issuers, and employers alike.

Using Generative AI in Education: Learning by Doing

At 1EdTech's 2024 Learning Impact Conference, panelists in the "Intersection of AI and Education" session argued that using AI is essential for understanding and preparing for the future. Sandra DeCastro, vice president of marketing and higher education programs at 1EdTech, spoke with Tom Andriola of the University of California, Irvine, who moderated the discussion, and panelists Ryan Lufkin of Global Academic Strategy at Instructure, Steve Harmon of Georgia Tech, and Shawna Dark of UC Berkeley to share their insights in this article.

Georgia Tech Commits to Doubling Educational Reach

Today, the Institute announced the launch of its new College of Lifetime Learning, a cornerstone initiative in its commitment to double the number of degrees granted and non-degree learners reached by 2030. The announcement was made at the annual Institute Address by Georgia Tech President Ángel Cabrera, who emphasized the Institute's dedication to transformative education.

THE podcast: How Technology is Reshaping the 21st-Century Campus

In this episode, Steve Harmon, C21U executive director, and Lev Gonick, chief information officer at Arizona State University, discuss how technology is redefining the university experience. They were both speakers at Times Higher Education’s Digital Universities US 2024 event.

(Photo: Eliza Compton, Campus deputy editor, and Steve Harmon.)

How Familiar Are Your Students with AI and VR?

Higher education institutions must assess students' technological proficiency, readiness to utilize advanced tools, and rationale behind their usage to prepare tomorrow's workforce. In this Times Higher Education article C21U's research scientist, Meryem Yılmaz Soylu, shares strategies for equipping students to thrive in this technology-driven era.

Georgia Tech Receives Global Recognition for EdTech Leadership

Georgia Tech received the Power Learner Potential Organization Award from the 1EdTech Consortium at the 2024 Learning Impact Conference. The award honors organizations for creating innovative, open, and trusted edtech ecosystems that empower learner potential.

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