C21U Steers the Conversation on Digital Assessment

C21U's own Jeonghyun (Jonna) Lee recently joined colleagues with Times Higher Education on a discussion of the strengths and limitations of digital assessment and how it can best be used in higher education.

Assessment in the Age of AI: CTL's 2023 Teaching With Technology Summer Institute

CTL's Teaching with Technology Summer Institute will focus on using campus technologies to develop innovative assessments that both engage students and more authentically measure their learning. Participants will explore best practices to design assessments that deter cheating and gain a deeper awareness of learning technologies available at Georgia Tech to facilitate innovative assessments while minimizing grading and feedback load.

C21U highlights AI research at Duke's Emerging Pedagogies Symposium

Duke Learning Innovation recently organized the “Emerging Pedagogies Symposium: Teaching and Learning in the Age of AI”, which featured a keynote address from C21U's Chief Scientist, Ashok Goel. Goel discussed the far-reaching implications of artificial intelligence for teaching, learning, and educational research.

AI-ALOE Builds on ChatGPT for Innovations in Adult Learning and Online Education

Recent advances in Generative AI such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 offer new opportunities for learning and education. However, these systems also suffer from problems and pitfalls such as biases and hallucinations. Further, much of the inner functioning of GPT-4 remains opaque to the research community. We detailed four examples of AI-ALOE’s safe and responsible use of ChatGPT as a tool for natural language processing.

Working Groups Established to Explore Lifetime Learning Unit

The Georgia Institute of Technology is announcing its intention to launch a new academic unit dedicated to lifetime learning. The new unit will bring together three entities whose work underpins its mission and vision: Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE), the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC), and the Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U).

In the Loop: How Formative Feedback Supports Remote Teaching

During the pandemic, assessment of student learning became even more important than usual as instructors sought tools to gauge student success in a remote, unexpected (and, for many instructors, new) educational environment. Prompted by Georgia Tech’s emergency shift to remote instruction, our team at the Center for 21st Century Universities (C21U) piloted a key performance indicator (KPI) tool designed to provide instructors with expanded insight into student learning and success in remote courses.

Developing an Open Source Wallet for Digital Credentials

The members of the Digital Credentials Consortium (DCC) — comprising 12 international universities — are working together to develop new digital systems for academic credentials. The DCC approach focuses on open standards, as well as developing software, systems and approaches to ensure learner control of their digital credentials.

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